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5 Golden Gems to health & De-Stress

Have you ever reached a point where you just know that your bum looks big in those pants, no matter what your husband says? Have you felt heavy and bloated after eating out at your local dig for the umptenth time this week? Here are some Golden Gems that I use as alternative ways to reach a healthy and stress-free lifetstyle:

1. Chocolate - Nothing like a dose of cacao in a chunk of dark organic chocolate.

2. Flowers - I personally don't eat flowers, but the scent of a fresh rose can lift your vibration significantly.

3. Real Housewives of Beverley Hills - not meant to be a plug for a really lousy gossip show, but nothing can feed your own ego than watching grown women behaving like spoilt brats.

4. Coffee in bed - imagine having a fresh brew of coffee delivered to you in bed, every morning. I do, and I can say that it really makes me want to say.....'ahh, this is the life!'

5. Zumba Gold fitness class - now this is a beauty. Visit a Zumba Gold class (senior citizens) dressed in all your fitness attire. Amazing how skinny you feel just by what you wear! Now the real magic in a Zumba Gold session are the smiles you will bring to all around you when you realise you can't keep up with the 'golden crew' and get mixed up with all the fang-dangley steps. Gauranteed to make you feel all warm and gooey inside. Priceless.

If you have Golden Gems of wisdom to share, send me an email.

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